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ΤΖΟΚΕΡ Systems


TZOKER provides players with the option to participate in the game through Full Development Systems.
To play a Full System, you need to select more than five (5) numbers in the first field which contains forty five (45) numbers, and/or more than one (1) ΤΖOKER numbers in the second field which contains twenty (20) numbers.
Please find below more details and examples per case.
By selecting more than five (5) numbers in the field of forty five (45) numbers [selecting one (1) ΤΖOKER number], you increase your columns in the game.
Example: By selecting seven (7) numbers, twenty one (21) columns are created. You may find more examples in the table below.

COLUMNS TOTAL 6 21 56 126 252


By selecting more than one (1) ΤΖOKER numbers in the field of twenty (20) numbers [selecting five (5) numbers in the 45-number filed], you increase your columns in the game.
Example: By selecting ten (10) ΤΖOKER numbers, ten (10) columns are created. You may find more examples in the table below.



By selecting more than five (5) numbers in the 45-number field and, at the same time, more than one (1) ΤΖOKER numbers in the 20-number field, you multiply the columns through which you participate in the game.
Example: By selecting six (6) numbers [out of forty five (45)] and ten (10) ΤΖOKER numbers, 60 columns are created.
In case of a win in a category through a Full System, multiple wins/ winnings derive for the lower categories as well. You may use the Full Development Systems table at the end of this guide, so as to be informed on multiple wins through a Full System win.

Numbers Selected Columns Total Numbers Selected matching the Winning Column (Selecting one (1) TZOKER number in the 20-number field)
5 out of 5 4 out of 5 3 out of 5 2 out of 5 1 out of 5
Correct Predictions (C.P.) (C.P.) (C.P.) (C.P.) (C.P.)
5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1
5 1 1 - - - - 1 - - - 1 - - 1 - 1
6 6 1 5 - - - 2 4 - - 3 3 - 4 2 5
7 21 1 10 10 - - 3 12 6 - 6 12 3 10 10 15
8 56 1 15 30 10 - 4 24 24 4 10 30 15 20 30 35
9 126 1 20 6 40 5 5 40 60 20 15 60 45 35 70 70
10 252 1 25 100 100 25 6 60 120 60 21 105 105 56 140 126
11 462 1 30 150 200 75 7 84 210 140 28 168 210 84 252 210
12 792 1 35 210 350 175 8 112 336 280 36 252 378 120 420 330
13 1.287 1 40 280 560 350 9 144 504 504 45 360 630 165 660 495
13 1.287 1 40 280 560 350 9 144 504 504 45 360 630 165 660 495
14 2.002 1 45 360 840 630 10 180 720 840 55 495 990 220 990 715
15 3.003 1 50 450 1.200 1.050 11 220 990 1.320 66 660 1.485 286 1.430 1.001
16 4.368 1 55 550 1.650 1.650 12 264 1.320 1.980 78 858 2.145 364 2.002 1.365
17 6.188 1 60 660 2.200 2.475 13 312 1.716 2.860 91 1.092 3.003 455 2.730 1.820
18 8.568 1 65 780 2.860 3.575 14 364 2.184 4.004 105 1.365 4.095 560 3.640 2.380
19 11.628 1 70 910 3.640 5.005 15 420 2.730 5.460 120 1.680 5.460 680 4.760 3.060
20 15.504 1 75 1.050 4.550 6.825 16 480 3.360 7.280 136 2.040 7.140 816 6.120 3.876


If the ΤΖOKER number is correctly predicted, then all wins mentioned in the columns of the table above are included in categories 5+1, 4+1, 3+1, 2+1 or 1+1.
The wins mentioned in the Correct Predictions columns 2 and 1 of the table above apply only if the ΤΖOKER number has correctly been predicted.

There are ten (10) standard systems, which allow you to participate in the game with less columns and smaller cost than what would respectively apply to a full system, by selecting the same quantity of numbers. You may play them by selecting the respective system code in the "SYSTEMS CODES" field in the ΤΖOKER slip.

System Code Selected Numbers Columns Total 1st Cat. Percentage 2nd Cat. Percentage Full Development
45 7 5 23,81% 2-3 21
35 8 6 10,71% 1-4 56
34 9 9 7,14% 1-3 126
25 9 30 23,81% 5-7 126
24 10 14 5,56% 1-3 252
23 10 51 20,24% 5-7 252
15 11 22 4,76% 1-2 462
14 12 38 4,80% 1-5 792
13 13 54 4,20% 1-5 1287
12 15 118 3,93% 1-6 3003


The table above has the following information:
1.    System Code: The code of the system you have chosen, which you need to mark on the slip.
2.    Numbers Selected: The quantity of numbers, which you need to mark on the slip.
3.    Columns Total: The numbers of columns (of fives) generated by the system for the draw.
4.    1st Category Percentage: The odds to get five out of five, given that the five (5) winning numbers are among the ones you have chosen by playing this particular system.
5.    2nd Category Guarantee: This number shows how many fours you have correctly predicted for sure, given that the five (5) winning numbers are among the ones you have chosen by playing this particular system, and given that you do not have a win in the category of fives.
6.    Full Development Columns: The number of columns that would have been created, if you selected to play the respective full development system.
The standard systems regard only the five (5) out of forty five (45) field, namely sets of fives are created, which are then combined with ΤΖOKER numbers that you have selected in the 20-number field. Therefore, the 1st category, the odds of winning which are mentioned in the table above, corresponds to five out of five and the 2nd to four out of five. If the ΤΖOKER number has been correctly predicted, five out of five turns to 5+1 and four out of five turns to 4+1.
The columns are reduced in a specific way by the slips entry system. The system deducts columns by using the so-called "Tables with Positions of Numbers" which are predetermined and always apply.
You may use as well the Tables with Positions of Numbers to locate on your own the combinations of five (5) numbers, corresponding to the standard system you have chosen, which participate in the draw.
Example: Let's assume that you decide to play standard system 45. To find the fives via which you participate in the draw, you may place the seven (7) numbers selected in ascending order in the positions of the table, and see the columns that derive. See how this example is applied, in the table below. The seven (7) numbers selected in the 45-number field: 4 – 10 – 22 – 25 – 32 – 38 – 44.
Select 7 numbers
Create 5 columns

Selected Numbers Positions of Selected Numbers Columns
1 2 3 4 5
4 x x x x  
10 x x x x  
22 x x x   x
25 x x x   x
32 x     x x
38   x   x x
44     x x x



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